While the industrial revolution in the late 1880s and early which was around 1900 asbestos used as building material. Asbestos refers to six minerals, which of course are in the nature, before these minerals chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite. This asbestos minerals consist of many industrial applications have a fibrous material which was found. Through its fibrous nature very much was asbestos. It works well when isolation and its soundproofing qualities it an excellent building material. It was also difficult to damage, making it an ideal product it also has been used widely for use around electricity, heat, and chemical, as a flame retardant and served to the wiring insulation.
Fibrous asbestos quality allows it be spun on a fabric like material, in sheets, so that it is easy to install and use, this is together with the fact it flexible, relatively cheap, strong and something is impervious to damage and it easy to see, why it be so wide-spread use could be made. It was used for a variety of function such as housing shingles, shipbuilding, electrical insulation, fire-retardant coating, bricks, drywall, flooring, roofs, brake pads, clutch plates and furniture. Their potential seemed at the time almost unlimited.
Problems with asbestos was evident first in the early 1900s, but it took a while to compose the fact. The first documented asbestos related death was reported in 1906, and slowly it became clear that there is an unnaturally high rate of lung problems and early deaths in cities, where asbestos was mined. The UK was a little bit faster the UK see the correlation between asbestos and 1924 made the first diagnosis of asbestosis, which is when inhaled asbestos fibers and trapped in the lungs causes a permanent and irreversible damage. Take in the long term exposure to asbestos people suffer breathing problems, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and plenty of other potential health risks.
In the 1930s, the United Kingdom has asbestosis as a work-related disease and they began instituting work safety rules such as the need for better ventilation identified. The United States was about 10 years behind the United Kingdom, but eventually, the United States began the health risks, to confirm that with asbestos. Amazing, Kent cigarettes actually asbestos in its Micronite filter used. These filters were in use from 1952 to 1956. It boggles the mind to think how this possibly could slip through the cracks as was the health risks were founded by asbestos pretty well at this point. The best part of this story must be the fact that the Kent were cigarette manufacturer one of the first filter in an effort to reduce the risks of smoking, after an exposé in Reader's 1952 published Digest above, titled "Cancer of cardboard" that. Talk about irony.
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