
Friday, November 4, 2011

Mesothelioma and Other Asbestos Diseases

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a term for several commonly found fibrous magnesium-silicate minerals. Due to their durable and versatile nature, asbestos materials were used widely in construction and manufacturing for most of the 20th century. Today, it is widely understood that asbestos is an extremely harmful substance. However, this was not always known. Even minimal inhalation of these asbestos fibers can develop into serious, and even fatal, conditions. In 1918, The United States Department of Labor issued a bulletin stating that there was an "urgent need for more qualified extensive investigation" into the severe harm caused by asbestos. Nevertheless, many industries kept using asbestos.

For decades, construction workers, vehicle mechanics, shipyard workers, electricians, and others employed in the building trades did not realize the danger, as they were exposed to asbestos on a daily basis. Even now, workers renovating or demolishing old buildings may encounter asbestos. The danger was not limited those who directly handled the asbestos. If a worker had substantial exposure to asbestos, his or her co-worker or spouse also was vulnerable to asbestos-related illness.

Eventually scientific research confirmed the life-threatening risks caused by exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. However, companies still ignored the danger, and continued to make and use products containing asbestos, until it was banned during the latter part of the 20th century. Asbestos was used widely in heavy industry, as well as insulation in hair dryers, electrical wiring, cement, paper, roofing materials, floorboards, and hundreds of other common items. Despite the legal ban on new uses, over one million Americans are endangered by exposure to existing asbestos sources every year.

Asbestos Removal

Asbestos still exists in many older buildings, including schools, hospitals, airports, and factories across Michigan. From skyscrapers to residential buildings, asbestos continues to threaten the health of unsuspecting citizens.

Removal of asbestos is a complex process. Special precautions are necessary, to avoid release of asbestos fibers into the surrounding environment. Otherwise, the asbestos will endanger anyone in the area, who inhales or ingests its odorless and tasteless microscopic fibers. The danger is great, because any amount of asbestos can be harmful. For these reasons, there is a conflict between those who push for removal of asbestos from existing structures, and those who oppose it, if it is unlikely to enter building ventilation systems.

Some companies and government agencies arrange for asbestos removal to prevent public exposure, while others do so to avoid potential litigation. Still other projects are driven by legislation or public outcry for asbestos removal from public buildings, including many older schools across the country.

Mesothelioma and Other Asbestos Diseases

Three serious health conditions may result from exposure to even a small amount of airborne asbestos fibers. All three conditions result from inhaling the fibers, which become embedded in the lungs or other parts of the body. It can take years for symptoms of any of these asbestos illness to appear. Some experts believe that no symptoms appear for more than a decade after exposure. In some cases, it takes even longer for the illness to become evident. The following is information about the three major conditions resulting from asbestos exposure.


The medical profession used to consider this type of cancer as quite rare. While still uncommon, the number of workers diagnosed with mesothelioma has risen. Now, about 3,000 new mesothelioma cases are reported in the United States every year. The incidence of this disease is increasing at an even higher rate in Europe. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer, usually caused by asbestos fibers that actually penetrate lung tissue. It is also possible for mesothelioma to develop after these fibers penetrate the heart or the abdomen. While doctors have found many different causes for other forms of cancer, the only definitely identified cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.


Sometimes, this term is used incorrectly to refer to all ailments resulting from asbestos exposure. However, it is actually a very specific condition. Asbestosis (also known as interstitial fibrosis) develops when inhaled asbestos fibers cause scarring of the lung tissue. Over time, this scarring reduces the capacity of the lung. Individuals with asbestosis may suffer disabling lung impairments, and must be monitored closely because they are at increased risk of even more serious asbestos-related conditions.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is all too common in our society and has many possible causes. However, there is evidence of a link between asbestos exposure and lung cancer. The risk of lung cancer is even higher for an individual who has been exposed to asbestos, and also smokes cigarettes. Mesothelioma Treatment Options "Staging" is a term that medical professionals use to define the spread and extent of cancers like mesothelioma. In general, the least serious "first stage" only involves the lining of the lung. By the most serious "stage four," cancer has spread to other organs of the body.

Medical researchers continue to improve treatment for mesothelioma. The most common form of treatment is still chemotherapy. With new combinations of drugs, such as pemetrexed and carboplatin, chemotherapy may slow the progression of cancer in some victims. Radiation or surgery is the an appropriate treatment for other mesothelioma patients. In addition, some experimental treatments are yielding promising test results and offer hope for future victims.

Mesothelioma is still regarded as a deadly form of cancer. The average life span after diagnosis is only one to two years. However, the stage of the disease when it is discovered, and an individual's response to treatment are significant factors in determining life expectancy. Due to medical progress, 20% of those diagnosed at an early stage of mesothelioma have at least 5 more years to live.

Mesothelioma Symptoms and Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Men are many times more likely to develop mesothelioma than women. This may be due to the higher percentage of men who work in factories and construction, where there is an increased risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. Older men are more likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma. This is not surprising, because of the relatively long period of time between asbestos exposure and the onset of this cancer.

Physicians may have difficulty diagnosing mesothelioma, because initial symptoms, such as shortness of breath and chest or abdominal pain, can be confused with other conditions. There are tests to rule out mesothelioma, including a thoracoscopy or a peritoneoscopy. If you have symptoms and believe that you may have past asbestos exposure, see your doctor immediately. If you or a loved one suffer from asbestos related cancer or mesothelioma cancer, talk with an experienced asbestos lawyer today.

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Why Asbestos Testing Is So Important

We hear about asbestos testing and wonder why it is so important? You will even find some writers and bloggers try to convince you there are no dangers related to asbestos exposure. But no matter how the data is spun or twisted danger exists and asbestos testing is very important any way you look at it.

By zeroing in on the U.S. alone estimates of the death rate caused by mesothelioma is more than ten thousand people every year. Exposure to asbestos causes thousands of people to suffer from many other diseases that are non-fatal.

We hear the word almost every day (mesothelioma) sure cancer and death come to mind but many wonder what it is. The organs are all protected by a membrane called (mesothelium). The thin membrane covers organs such as the heart, lungs and abdomen. The disease mesothelioma attacks the mesothelium.

Asbestos dangers are everywhere but some of the worst offenders occur in everyday working environments. Carpenters, electricians, ship building, plumbers, insulation workers and asbestos abatement teams. Workers from all the different environments leave the work sites with the asbestos fibers on their clothing and indirectly expose their families and others they come in contact with.

One of the major reasons that some believe the dangers are not real is because symptoms of exposure may not appear for 20 to 50 years after exposure. So sometimes the connection is not made between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. Once diagnosed the survival rate is 2 years or less.

In the U.S. some recent studies confirmed more than 28 million pounds of asbestos are still used to make many things. Commonly used in ship manufacturing and construction processes because of its insulating properties. You would not believe the large numbers of people live as close as 2640 feet from sites the mine asbestos and use it in manufacturing processes.

Asbestos testing is of major importance because of the possibility of exposure. The asbestos fibers are invisible so there is no way other than testing to verify the possibility of exposure. There is also no way of knowing if materials used in construction contain asbestos simply by looking at it. It is possible to safely collect asbestos samples but they must be sent to a certified testing facility to verify.

Asbestos samples must be collected and submitted to a facility for asbestos testing. Professional qualified people can safely perform the asbestos sampling. There are do-it-yourself asbestos testing kits that will instruct you how to perform the sampling safely yourself.

Asbestos insulating properties are regarded as the best in the world so for many years it was used for insulating everything you can think of going back 4000 years. Not much was done about the dangers until the late 1970s. The used of the mineral was banned for use in construction and other materials. Asbestos is the name given to six types of naturally occurring fibers. The major problem is the fibers are microscopic and easily become airborne. The danger occurs when inhaled.

The EPA requires the PLM method of asbestos testing which is performed with very powerful microscopes. The PLM method is (polarized light microscopy) analysis. This type of asbestos testing verifies the type and the amount of asbestos contained in the samples submitter for testing.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Need of Asbestos Attorney Is Making a New Trend!

If we say of asbestos it is a commercially exploited silicate minerals that may possibly causes several serious illnesses, an innocent hardworking person who doesn't know they are being poisoned of asbestos is usually the victim of these illnesses. The person who resolves the battle for rights of people who has been working and was affected by the asbestos is the asbestos attorney. Asbestos attorney see to it that their clients get the compensation for their injury cause by asbestos. Mesothelioma and asbestosis are some cases cause by inhaling the asbestos fibers.

To help the people you know who is suffering of illnesses cause by asbestos to get their injury compensation you must contact an asbestos attorney. The attorneys have a broaden knowledge about asbestos as well as the industries where it came from. The illnesses such as cancer that causes of asbestos are also identified by asbestos lawyer. In asking for their help the asbestos lawyers will help you to fight to get the injury compensation to cover all medical cost and also the loss. In fighting for the monetary compensation, it gives a financial help for the family who is grieving for the loss of their loved one because of asbestos.

Examining the work and life history of the client is usually done by a skilled asbestos lawyer to know what itinerary of actions to do. The companies' documents and comprehensive evidence over various cases to bear out the case of injured person is use. Person who is injured by asbestos and want to get their compensation or justice should not be hesitant to claim for a legal right. They are willing to help them find the justice they want.

The work of the attorney is to ensure that the employers give benefits for the people who work and been a victims of asbestos. The attorneys usually get payments if they successfully win the case of their clients. One third of the compensation they can get from a settlement is usually collected by an asbestos attorney. The affected person's causes by asbestos fibers may seek help to get their compensation with the help of asbestos attorneys by a case.

In the late year of 1970's asbestos lawyers helped already a huge numbers of people from Tennessee, Washington D. C., New York, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Asbestos attorneys have helped to get compensation and justice for many people who work and expose to asbestos. For about twenty years of persistent support to their clients they are still working and helping people until now. Persons who wants to be represented by asbestos attorneys in their cases, you have the right decision and can count on them with a good and quality service.

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Lung mesothelioma & asbestos Types

Asbestos is generally divided into two groups of turtles and types of amphibole. These are explained here.

Chrysotile asbestos

The first type of asbestos is chrysotile asbestos and it is also called as white asbestos. This type of asbestos is generally thought to be the safest of all types. This is because it is less brittle which means that it is less likely to produce airborne microorganisms and also making it less likely to be inhaled. But when it is inhaled it can cause the same problems related to health, like the other. Now, it is because it is classified as a serpentine mineral, as the fibers that make up the chrysotile are a complete variety. It is composed of crystals that are formed in the leaves.

Chrysotile asbestos is the most commonly used asbestos type comprising nearly 95% of the asbestos total used commercially to the United States. And because use generalized this type of asbestos, it represents most of the problems of health related asbestos mesothelioma and tumors in animals. The five remaining types of asbestos are amphibole minerals, which means that they consists of fiber lines and needles.

Tremolite asbestos

This type of asbestos were not used industrially but commercially was used in products such as talcum powder. Tremolite colour varies from dark green and creamy white and commonly found in metamorphic rocks. Now, this form of asbestos is the main pollutant of the infamous vermiculite (natural minerals that to extend the application of heat) mine in Libby, Montana.

Asbestos actinolite

Not generally used in the industry, asbestos actinolite may always be present in asbestos products. When inhaled actinolite asbestos can cause serious lung damage and mesothelioma can occur. Non-fibrous actinolite variants do not cause the same health problems that are associated with exposure to forms exploited commercially asbestos, such as asbestosis or mesothelioma. Present in generally green, white or grey color that this type is related to tremolite but have more amounts of iron.

Amosite asbestos

Which is also called grunerite amosite asbestos or brown asbestos is used for various commercial purposes. This is typically used in pipes and cement sheet insulation. It has directly and fragile fibres that are light grey to Brown in color. After that he became the second most used type of asbestos. But recently because of health concerns and emergence of mesothelioma the production and the commercial use of this mineral is prohibited in many countries.

Crocidolite asbestos

The dangerous asbestos, Crocidolite asbestos is thought to spectrum opposite of chrysotile asbestos. Crocidolite asbestos is also known as blue asbestos as it consists of fibers directly blue. This type with amosite persists in the lungs for a long time and is dangerous for the health of exposed persons. Crocidolite grows naturally in countries such as the Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, the former Soviet Union and Canada.

Anthophyllite asbestos

It is brittle white fibers which are composed of crystals and which have an appearance chain. Formed by the breakdown of talc in ultramafic rocks, anthophyllite is a common contaminant of talc. Like tremolite and actinolite, it is not used for commercial or industrial as such but is still use vermiculite mineral commonly added to the soil of gardening.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Guide To Asbestos In The Workplace

Asbestos is a natural mineral with its primary use in fire proofing and insulation. There are three key types of asbestos:

Amosite (also called grunerite or brown asbestos); Chrysotile (also called serpentine or white asbestos); Crocidolite (also called riebeckite or blue asbestos).

However, it is not always possible to identify them by colour alone.

Why is it hazardous to health?

Asbestos-related diseases are responsible for over 3,000 deaths per year in the UK. The delays between first exposure to asbestos and the onset of disease are usually long, and can be between 15 and 60 years. Moving or disturbing asbestos can release small fibres of asbestos into the air, and inhaling these fibres can be the cause of fatal diseases. The tiny fibres can be breathed into the lower parts of the lung and could work their way through the lung lining, potentially causing:

Asbestosis or fibrosis (scarring) of the lungs; Mesothelioma (a cancer of the inner lining of the chest wall or abdominal cavities); Lung cancer

What are the legislative requirements concerning asbestos in the workplace?

The revised Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (CAR) came into effect on 13 November 2006. The regulations were introduced to strengthen overall staff protection by clearly outline limits for exposure. Training for those who manage, or work directly with, asbestos has also been made mandatory.

What guidance is available in the UK?

To make people more aware of the duty to manage, and the promotion of effective compliance, there is guidance available from the HSE. An Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) to support Regulation 4 of CAR. "The management of asbestos in non-domestic premises" (L127) (revised) gives in-depth advice on how to meet compliance under the new requirements. A guidance booklet, "A comprehensive guide to managing asbestos" (HSG227) is aimed at duty holders within larger, more complex organisations. A free leaflet, "A short guide to managing asbestos in premises" is aimed at duty holders in smaller, less complex premises. HSG264 "Asbestos: The Survey Guide - a guide for surveyors and Duty Holders." This guide superseded MDHS100 in 2009 and provides a clear picture for both duty-holders and surveyors with regard to the surveys role in effective management of asbestos.

The duty to manage requires those in control of buildings to, take reasonable measures to find evidence of asbestos in the building and assess the material's condition. Make the assumption that materials contain asbestos, unless there is strong evidence to the contrary. Record the location and condition of all asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and assess the associated risks. Prepare and implement a plan to manage the above risks. Provide a report detailing the location of the materials and their condition to anyone who is likely to work on or disturb the materials.

Asbestos management consultancies should supply the following to you:

A review of your current management looking at all aspects of the management of asbestos and a detailed action plan for your compliance. An asbestos survey to give you an understanding of where you have asbestos in your premises, if at all. An Asbestos Management System so you are able to effectively manage the requirements of all asbestos regulations and to give you comprehensive information about any asbestos you have in your building. Condition assessments so that asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are regularly checked for condition Asbestos training for personnel at all levels, from the identification of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) to the management of asbestos in your building.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the CAR regulations state that you have a duty to manage, and not merely to survey.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Risk of mesothelioma asbestos - the killer silent stalking in your neighbourhood?

What are the factors of risk asbestos? Mesothelioma cancer statistics indicate that jobs, industries and specific environments have a higher risk of mesothelioma. The risk of contracting asbestos cancer is real.

A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of getting the diagnosis: malignant mesothelioma. But with a risk factor, or even several risk factors for disease asbestos, does not mean that you will develop mesothelioma lung cancer.

Asbestos exposure is the main risk factor for the development of mesothelioma injury. This injury could evolve in mesothelioma lung cancer complete full.

Then, what are the factors of risk asbestos? And how to manage the risk of exposure to asbestos?

Mesothelioma statistics

Mesothelioma statistics reveal that 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma receive annually the diagnosis: malignant mesothelioma. Approximately 70 to 80 per cent of all cases of mesothelioma are the direct result of exposure to asbestos.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as much a quarter three million schools and public buildings in the country today contain asbestos insulation. They were built before the new legislation on asbestos mesothelioma began to limit the use of asbestos in the early 1970s. Asbestos insulation can be found in number as 10% to 15% of schools in the United States.

Industrial risks

What is the industrial workplace asbestos risk? The risk of mesothelioma attached to various industries can be traced on a continuum: high industrial risk - for the lowest risk.

First, you need to identify asbestos content inherent in your building, equipment, raw materials or products. Then compare this information with statistics of mesothelioma for your industry.

Environmental risks

What is the risk of asbestos in your environment? Mineral asbestos is widely used in the global environment.

Asbestos risk can occur in large natural deposits, or as contaminants in other minerals and products. If you are exposed to asbestos, many factors determine risk of exposure to asbestos and asbestos diseases related potential.

These factors include the how much, how long, the mineral form and size distribution, and how you come in contact with it. Studies have shown that smokers are more prone to asbestos disease than nonsmokers.

The silent killer is the stem from work? Control of asbestos at work regulations (CAWR) place the obligation on employers to identify and assess the risk of asbestos at work.

Asbestos risk of disease

Of asbestos disease risk is the risk of serious disease after inhalation of asbestos dust. In the industry, they separate and process of asbestos fibres in the new compounds and textures, forming a microscopic dust.

If inhaled, it can accumulate in the lungs, stomach and other organs and eventually lead to the development of asbestos disease serious, potentially fatal. A prognosis of mesothelioma is almost never favourable.

Asbestos risk products

Risk of asbestos? The killer silent stalking? The risk of cancer of the lung mesothelioma asbestos siding asbestos, asbestos, asbestos floor tile insulation and a host of other products exist all around us.

Asbestos was not only cheap to buy, but it is also malleable and sometimes soft as cotton. Some forms of asbestos fibres were of fabric-like qualities.

Asbestos fibres can therefore be easily Woven garments of fire-resistant protection for fire fighters and rescue officials. Elements for workers who are exposed to high heat, and other professionals are also manufactured, creating risks of asbestos products.

Its industrial properties is in high demand during the industrial revolution. A products 4 000 estimated during the 20th century contained asbestos fibres

Asbestos risk assessment

You need specialized consultants to perform an assessment of the asbestos risk management and prevention of injuries of mesothelioma. Their asbestos testing protocol and the results are also invaluable for mesothelioma research projects.

All the company asbestos registry entries become vital when you receive a call from an asbestos lawyer who works on a Mesothelioma claim.

Management of the city are more held responsible for exposure to asbestos in the zones under their direction.

It is expected that the focus in this regard will be soon extended to sites from sea. Asbestos used to be Ocean near choice construction material.

Asbestos risk management

Asbestos risk management is the legal responsibility of each manager or a business owner, or owner. Mesothelioma asbestos is the responsibility of the Directorate of Claire i.t.o..

There is an increased global effort to minimize exposure to asbestos, reduce mesothelioma asbestosis and mesothelioma injury.

This explains in part by large colonies asbestos in mesothelioma suits.

From the beginning in the 1970s, we saw the first drafts of mesothelioma cancer law accepted by various regulatory agencies of developed countries to international.

However, in a country like South Africa, the laws are only made in 2008 to finally control the extraction and the manufacture of asbestos products.

Most of the asbestos products are reasonably safe if it is retained intact, painted and well maintained. However, most people will be surprised in the view of the large number of asbestos in their life and work environments, which are poorly maintained.

Pieter Pepler is a consultant in management for small and medium-sized enterprises. He has a keen interest in the health aspects and spent most of his time to research and written on the causes and the other possible treatments for natural treatment of various chronic diseases.

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Advice on the removal of asbestos

For those looking for advice on the removal of asbestos, you are in the right place. Asbestos can be dangerous to your health. Therefore, you must first be familiar with what it really is. You must always be up-to-date to ensure the safety of your family. Which is why we will first discuss what asbestos is and the danger it may impose on you before tackling the removal of asbestos.

Asbestos is a natural mineral used in the manufacture of certain products such as materials used for the construction and at the same time used to produce brakes of the vehicle or the production. It is used because it helps to resist heat and corrosion. Asbestos can be one of the following: asbestos actinolite, amosite, asbestos anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite, and none of these mentioned have been altered or processed.

Now, as you have read on asbestos, you may think that he is actually a useful mineral, being able to avoid the heat and corrosion in our homes and buildings and even in cars. The thing is, there is the bad side to it. There are some risks and the dangers that come with the use of asbestos. Workers are generally the more at risk, as they are those who work on buildings or brakes containing asbestos. Note however that if you are exposed to a deteriorating building or home of asbestos on it, then chances are that you could be at risk as well. Asbestos removal should definitely be a problem if you have a home or building deterioration. It may be present in the ceiling or in your Office at home, deterioration or warehouse siding and you could actually have no indication that you are already the inhalation of asbestos.

Inhalation of asbestos poses a serious risk to our health. It can cause various serious diseases related to our lungs among other bodies. What is even worse, is that diseases caused by it may not appear until after years of getting exposed. Asbestos can cause a build-up in your lungs. This accumulation of tissue can get worst years after exposure and may lead to malfunction of the lungs and in some cases, can even lead to death. This is why you should know about the removal of asbestos. There are two ways to do so. First of all would be the obvious choice. You can hire a team of professionals who can make the removal of asbestos. In this way, they know more about the Elimination of asbestos and other regulations imposed in the region where you live. But of course, the second choice would be to do it yourself.

Before do you any deletion yourself, get a sample of the deterioration of your house party. Bring to a local lab and have tested for any signs of asbestos. Is it exists, and then you after the test of asbestos may proceed with the removal of asbestos. Note, however, that the process of reducing emissions is not an easy task. Make sure that you have ventilation, appropriate in the area where you work on it. Make sure you buy clothes which should be discarded after your project and masks. Prepare your dishwashing liquid, knife, pry bar, pipe and a spray of water. The idea is to do airborne asbestos. So, you will need to wet the entire region with asbestos using the spray of water. This will resolve all contaminated by asbestos fibres. Then, scratch the matter carefully and put in bags designed for asbestos. After that, put it in another bag to contain it. Make sure yourself wet low as you remove your protective clothing. It is important that decontaminate you yourself. Seal bags and move to a discharge specifically for asbestos.

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