THE asbestos - mesothelioma Cover-Up
Mesothelioma is caused by inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibres. Books outrageous misconduct: the asbestos industry on trial, written by Paul Brodeur, Pantheon Books, New York, New York, 1985, and asbestos: medical and legal aspects, 4th Edition, Engelwood cliffs, NJ, written by Barry I. Castleman, Aspen law and business, 1996 and other sources of information show that asbestos company had extensive knowledge, that the use of asbestos in their products and their employees would cause serious health problems for individuals in the future. Yet companies continue to use, asbestos and placed at risk the life and health of their employees. The following which have occurred just a few events, are the companies with the knowledge that asbestos was dangerous provided:
o 1918: Frederick Hoffman, a medical statistician for the prudential life insurance company, States Department of labor reported bulletin in a United American life insurance companies generally refuse cover on asbestos workers, because of the "assumed conditions in the industry and adverse health."
o 1930: an asbestos main company, Johns-Manville, draw up a report for internal application, the deaths and medical injuries of asbestos workers.
o 1932: a letter from the United States Bureau of mines in asbestos manufacturer Eagle-picher States, "it is now known that asbestos dust is one of the most dangerous dusts to which man is exposed to."
o 1933: Metropolitan life insurance company doctors find that 29% of employees in a work by Johns Manville suffering from asbestosis. Johns Manville is directed to complaints of 11 employees, provided that the right lawyer for the staff that he will take no new action against Johns Manville.
o 1934: You write an article officials at Johns Manville and Raybestos-Manhattan, on the diseases of asbestos workers written by a doctor Metropolitan Life company of insurance, in order to minimize the risk of asbestos dust.
o 1936: a group of asbestos companies undertake, sponsor research on the health effects of asbestos dust, however, require that the companies have complete control over the transfer of results.
o 1942-43: the President of Johns Manville says that the Manager of another company were "A number of fools for notifying employees, the asbestosis had." If one of the people present questions, "think you tell me you would they work until they dropped dead?" According to deposition testimony was the answer "Yes." So, we save a lot of money. "
o 1944: The journal of Medical Association reported that asbestos is a the "agents known or suspected cause occupational cancer."
o 1951: Asbestos companies remove all references to cancer prior to the publication of research, the it in terms of exposure to asbestos sponsor.
o 1953: National Gypsum Safety Director wrote to the Indiana Division of industrial hygiene, recommend acoustic plaster mixers wear respirators "because of the uses of asbestos on the product." Another company official States that the letter was "full of dynamite," and calls that retrieve the letters before the achievement of the goal. A memo from which files notes that the company "in stop successfully" the letter of the "changes."
o in 1989 and 1991: 1989, protection agency prohibits the United States Environmental asbestos and most of its uses, but in 1991, asbestos companies gain a federal lawsuit that tilts the EPA asbestos ban.
o 1999: The Florida Supreme Court decides that Owens Corning deliberately withheld information on the risks of working with asbestos products of the company. The Florida Supreme Court describes it as a "blatant disregard for the safety of people who put large numbers of people with life-threatening risks."
As mentioned, the above actions by these companies are just a few of the many actions of companies, with asbestos it, disregard for the safety of its employees and the other innocent victims. Companies that so lightly ignored the health of the public and their own staff, are the objectives of our litigation
Unfortunately, millions of people have exposed to asbestos over the years. Until now, we are able to see the devastating effects of risk by asbestos in the workplace.
A rapid diagnosis, effective treatment of mesothelioma, is important as other types of cancer. If you believe that you may have Mesothelioma and that you worked in the past with asbestos, it is advisable to inform your doctor about it.
It is well documented that harmful asbestos and many of these companies ignored the health risks for its employees. If you or a loved one with mesothelioma are diagnosed in the last five years, you should seek the advice of an experienced mesothelioma Attorney so that you know your rights under the law. Lawyers who have experience in these cases and who have become major awards for its customers, best, you or your loved one help.
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