If you read the newspaper or watch the evening news, the odds that you've heard about some of the risks of asbestos. However, what is often ignored these messages, is that asbestos has some useful features. When used responsibly and maintained in good condition, asbestos can be advantageous without causing harm.
What is asbestos? The term refers to microscopic, naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals. These minerals have used for years by the construction industry. The three most common types of asbestos are chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite. Asbestos is often used in insulation, fire protection, covers, flooring and other building materials. The strength of the fibres and asbestos make very useful resistance to heat these materials.
Why then are people afraid of asbestos? Asbestos is a toxic, carcinogenic substance. Asbestos-containing materials are not a health risk if they are left undisturbed. However, if these materials are damaged, be through the air and disconnect the asbestos fibres. This is, if the exposure of humans, is likely how asbestos into the lungs can be inhaled.
While none has found "safe level" of exposure, health problems are more common with larger and longer exposure to the fibers. Some of these health problems are asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. It is not true that asbestos causes once believed headaches or sore muscles, so many. Immediate health issues such as these are rarely be seen. In reality surface not only many years later the harmful effects on health of exposure to asbestos. Maybe that's why buyers prefer wrong building on the side of caution, if asbestos inspections are done.
The environmental protection agency (EPA) has developed a programme for schools and other clients to asbestos fiber levels to keep low. The programme will in an effort to protect students and citizens to teach people to recognize asbestos-containing materials. It is to manage people on these materials and how to avoid exposure. Health risks of asbestos can theoretically be prevented with education and careful management.
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