Mesothelioma, the deadly effects of asbestos
To bring hope and life saving treatment to thousands of people die each year from asbestos-caused mesothelioma, the federal governments of the countries of a substantial investment in medical research.
Asbestos must be banished to the United States and other developed countries to protect for future generations by a wider spread of this deadly disease.
Mesothelioma: Terrible Killer
Mesothelioma is a very painful and almost always fatal form of cancer in the cell membrane (mesothelium) along the chest or abdomen become malignant and multiply and divide. The resulting tumor thickens and hardens, crushing the lungs and suffocates the patient, invading the chest wall causing severe breathing difficulties and sometimes invading other vital organs like the heart or abdominal aorta, leading to various forms of cancer.
We are all in danger
Mesothelioma is the tragic legacy of the industrial and commercial use as asbestos.Advertised Auth Miracle Mineral AU for its excellent fire protection, insulation, filling and adhesion properties, asbestos was used almost everywhere in industry, manufacturing and construction in the year 1930 through in the late 1970s, as
cause cancer and respiratory disease mortality was also in medicine, industry and the government announced. At the height of use, more than 3,000 industrial applications or products are constructed using asbestos.
As a result, more than 20 million U.S. workers exposed to this mineral and the risk of developing mesothelioma today, after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If the workers in the industry brought asbestos fibers home on their skin, hair and clothing, their families were also exposed to the dangerous mineral.
Asbestos was on navy ships and soldiers, and shipyard workers were exposed to high widespread. A study at Groton, Connecticut shipyard found, which was more than one hundred thousand workers exposed to asbestos over the years on just this one site.
Mesothelioma has a long incubation period before symptoms start to their (ten to 50 years) show, and low doses are incidental exposure to asbestos is sufficient to cause cancer. Thus, the most productive assets from the past that leads to an epidemic of the disease today. Minnesota Congressman Bruce Vento worked near asbestos-insulated tank at a brewery in Minneapolis for two summers, by himself through college. In October 2000 he was diagnosed with mesothelioma and died ten months later.
According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in 2004, approximately2, 700 Americans deceased from mesothelioma, and the incidence has not reached its peak.
Millions of Americans are more at risk today because of all asbestos remaining in occupational medicine settings in buildings such as homes, offices and schools, and in a variety of products. Only one product, a contaminated insulation
with a very dangerous form of asbestos is estimated by the EPA on 30 million ushome.
The EPA estimates that asbestos-containing materials in most of the nation's 107,000 primary and secondary schools and 733,000 public and commercial buildings. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, AOS Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a, Äúestimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure at work., AU have the utility tunnels under our nation AOs Capitol dangerous levels of asbestos, and show how pervasive is the problem.
In fact, asbestos is not banned. Each year, the longer the exposure to carcinogenic asbestos increases introduced in our environment. Asbestos is still used in roofing and other building materials, and in many consumer products including automotive brakes. As a result, like everyday to work, just Remodeling
Projects or to normal wear and roofing tiles or braking on a family vehicle to suspend Americans, the dangerous risk of mesothelioma.
Wanted: a national commitment to a cure
Mesothelioma has been identified in the medical literature by the end of 1940, AOS. But was ignored for decades, the need for research to develop effective treatments for mesothelioma patients covered by the legal, economic and political aspects of asbestos.
The National Cancer Institute, AOS annual investment in clinical research, mesothelioma, was based on a per death, only a fraction of its investments in other forms of cancer. Years, despite the disproportionate toll of the disease on Navy veterans and shipyard workers, the Ministry of Defence does not apply one of the principal means of biomedical research mesothelioma.
Due to the Meso Foundation AOS lobbying 2008mesothelioma researchers first to compete for the Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Grant funding. Mesothelioma no subsidies were not granted, but this is progress in the treatment of mesothelioma far behind that of other cancers. According to the National Institutes of Health, the median survival for mesothelioma patients is only 14 months, most patients die within two years.
But there is hope. Since 1999, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation awarded over $ 5,000,000 to continue to stimulate research mesothelioma. Researchers valuable knowledge of the tumor and possibly open new therapeutic targets and clinical studies. The field is ripe for the federal partnership. Federal investment in research needed for a rapid detection and more effective treatment to develop, much is hoped that thousands of Americans who are sick because of asbestos claims that have already occurred or that inevitably the virtual ubiquity of asbestos provide specific experience of our environment .
The spread of asbestos and asbestos disease must be stopped. More than 40 developing and industrialized countries have already banned asbestos, the United States would protect its citizens by adopting an immediate ban on asbestos.
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